Keeping Score
People play differently when they are keeping score. – McChesney, Covey, & Huling Imagine playing a game of softball where…
READ MOREThe Urgent, The Important, and $1,000-Per-Hour Focus
To achieve [an increasing] level of performance will require that you carve out time for the strategic – those actions…
READ MOREWhen You Plant Seeds But Don’t See Growth
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson I…
READ MOREMotivated By Purpose
We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose. – Bob Goff We often compare ourselves more than…
READ MOREMonthly Review – February Lessons Learned
Some things I learned or rediscovered in the month of February: 1. In general, people do not give themselves enough…
READ MOREWhat Will You Look Back And Say?
Think about what you want to look back and say. Then choose your mindset. – Carol Dweck, PhD The above line…
READ MOREThe Fear of Not Succeeding
In our initial coaching session, my client and I were brainstorming his long-term goals. He repeatedly brought up, and kept…
READ MOREBuilding Your Confidence Muscle
Courage and self-confidence are muscles that grow with exercise. Susan Nolan-Hoeksema, PhD If you’ve ever wished you were more confident,…
READ MOREHappy MAPiversary! Three Lessons From 18 Years in Business!
This weekend marks 18 years in business for my coaching firm, MAP Professional Development Inc! And like any birthday or…