Ready to take inspired, positive action? I'm here to help!
“I long for a sense of accomplishment without also feeling like I’ve run myself ragged to achieve it.” Checking things…
READ MOREYou don’t have to completely overhaul your life in order to live with more purpose. You can begin today, right…
READ MOREWe’ve reached that time of year: Time for the Favorite Books Of The Year lists to begin making their appearance!…
If you woke up each morning confident, knowing you would spend the day engaged in meaningful work and intentional activity,
and went to bed each night fulfilled, knowing you made a purposeful difference,
how would that feel?
For over 20 years, I have coached thousands of people to clarify their core values, write their personal purpose statements, then live, work, and achieve in ways that honor and fulfill them.
I’d love to help you do this, too.
For a limited time, you can enroll in a 4-session coaching program to Discover Your Purpose, where you will walk away with a concise written statement for your intentional, values-based life, or to Engage Your Purpose, where you will make your purpose statement come alive in your work, goals, relationships, community involvement, and all other aspects of your life.
Learn more and enroll here, or feel free to contact my office with any questions. And be sure to subscribe to the Reading And Purpose newsletter for weekly insights into meaningful work, purposeful living, and impactful books – and join our Reading And Purpose Book Club while you’re there!
Ready to take inspired, positive action? I'm here to help!
Let’s explore possibilities!
With renewed clarity, vision, and focus, I can’t thank Christi enough. Through working with her, I have the tools necessary to keep me true to a life full of meaning and purpose!
Kristine Joy Creighton
JOIE Consulting
Christi gave me the guidance, tools and support to help me define my purpose and get unstuck, both professionally and personally. I have a renewed sense of confidence and clarity and am excited about my path forward.
Nicole Starling
Sales & Marketing Executive
Working with Christi, I have learned how to identify and prioritize what matters most, freed up hours each month to focus more purposefully on my team and my executive role, and I feel the most confident I ever have. Coaching has been truly life-changing and I am so thankful for it!
Emily Osweiler
YMCA Supportive Housing Campus
When I started coaching with you, I had an idea of where I wanted to go - I just didn't have the tools to get there. That's exactly what you gave me! Your guidance has helped me focus on small movements that have made a huge difference. Thank you for everything!
Tami Russell
Financial Analyst