Bringing Your Gifts To Your Goals
The goal is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts. Gay…
READ MOREHow Do Your Goals Help You Make Your Difference?
“High performers want to know that their efforts align with something important, that their work is significant, and that their lives are…
READ MOREGetting Past The When/Then Barrier
I’m almost embarrassed to admit one of my biggest lessons of 2019. As I sat down to conduct my year-end…
READ MORECommitment vs. Desire
“I want to get in shape” vs. “I’ve designed an exercise plan, blocked time on my calendar for workouts, and registered…
READ MOREGoals: How Many, What Kind, and How I Set Mine
It’s mid-January. I’m guessing that by now you’ve had your fill of “New Year, New You!” promotions, gym discounts in…
READ MOREGoals, Values, and the Ultimate Motivator
I don’t want to waste my time. I don’t want to compromise on my values. I want to be the best person…
READ MOREMaking Your Impact Through Memorable Moments
How can you create memorable – potentially life-changing – moments for your team, your family, and even people you may…
READ MORESet Your Values-Based Bold Goals! Training
If you have ever struggled with goal setting, tend to lose steam with your goals, wonder if you’re setting goals…
READ MOREDoes Your Schedule Match Your Words?
People make time for what is important to them. The busier you are, the more intentional you must be. Michael Hyatt +…