Monthly Review – November Lessons Learned

Some of the lessons that stood out for me in November, this time each in the form of a question!
Christi Hegstad November 30th, 2021

November is a short month but packed a powerful punch! To be honest, this month threw me for quite a loop. Here are some of the lessons I learned or relearned along the way, this time offered in the form of questions.

With regard to a task, conversation, situation, or life in general, I found myself asking things like:

1. What would make this lighter? Easier? More fun?

2. What is the ideal outcome? If I could wave a magic wand, how would I want this to turn out?

3. Why am I doing this? What’s my purpose behind this action?

4. If the entire day goes bananas and I only accomplish 3 things, what do I want them to be? What matters most?

5. What haven’t we had for dinner lately? (Anyone else feel like they’re running out of ideas?!)

6. Am I accepting … or settling? And how do I tell the difference?

7. How can I make this moment meaningful? Even if (especially if?) it a) is required and b) feels mundane?

8. What is within my control?

9. In followup to #8, what is not within my control? What do I need to let go?

10. What brought me a bit of delight today?

And a bonus question that I’ve found especially necessary: How much energy is this actually worth?

Which one resonates with you? What lesson did November bring you?

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Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers!  Join our email community for coaching tips, book recommendations, and more!

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