“I know I want something different, I just don’t know what that is.”
Oh, if I had a nickel for each time a coaching client said that.
And often with some embarrassment: “Shouldn’t I know this by now?”
Or even guilt or shame: “On paper, everything is fine – but why am I not content?”
First, you have permission to feel what you feel.
Second, you’ve never been this age before. You’ve never been in these exact life circumstances before. You’ve never lived in this time before. So if you’re a bit muddled or confused, cut yourself some slack.
We probably all are, to some extent!
Plus, it means you’re growing – an experience nearly always accompanied by some level of uncertainty and discomfort. Worthwhile uncertainty and discomfort, but still.
If you know you want something to change but don’t know what, consider asking yourself a few questions:
What would you love to do – or do more of – if you had unlimited time, money, and/or courage?
What’s working right now?
What do you find yourself particularly drawn to these days, even if you don’t know why? (Think article topics, podcast episodes, conversations you must be a part of…)
These questions, and ones like them, can help you begin to focus on where you might be headed – without the pressure of one single right answer.
They also help you dwell on possibility rather than ‘What’s wrong with me?’ or ‘Why can’t I figure this out?’
Start with noticing – what draws your attention, what lights you up.
Relieve yourself from the pressure of finding one right answer, and allow yourself to be curious instead.
From there, and especially with the help of a qualified coach, you can start to create a path forward – one that aligns with your values and supports your strengths, passions, and gifts.
Where will that path lead? Maybe to a different career, a new hobby, or meaningful volunteer work.
Maybe somewhere completely different.
It’s ok to not always know.
(Yes, achievers, this applies to you – and me – too. 🙂 )
You may not know now, but trust that – with a sense of curiosity and an openness to exploration – you will.
Don’t let the not-knowing hold you back from the joy of discovery!
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