There’s a saying I heard many years ago that made me pause:
“If everything is important, then nothing is important.”
I remember looking at my roles, responsibilities, and to-do list at the time and thinking, “But everything here is important!”
Which may be true – but they are not all equally important, all the time.
That’s when I really started implementing my Daily Top 3 habit, and what a difference it has made.
This week, experiment with the Daily Top 3.
In the morning (or the night before), look at your goals for the week and your to-do’s for the day. Ask yourself, ‘Even if the day goes completely haywire, what are 3 things I definitely want to complete before my head hits the pillow?’
Separate those 3 things from the rest of your list – maybe handwriting them on a sticky note that stays in your line of vision.
Then, if possible, schedule specific times during the day to address those 3 items. (Also if possible, try to complete them early in the day.)
Since the likelihood of getting every single thing on your list done every single day might be slim, prioritizing your Top 3 can be an excellent way to still close out the day feeling fulfilled, satisfied, and knowing you dedicated energy to things that truly matter to you.
For a limited time, doors are open for our next term of the ASPIRE Bold Goal Academy and the ASPIRE Success Club – and we’ll be focusing on the topic of PRIORITIES! Join one of these powerful programs while space is available!