If you’re an achiever, your mind may be turning to goals and resolutions as we approach a new year.
And if you’re a reader, some of those goals may revolve around books.
Many people immediately generate a number of books they want to read, which can be a fun challenge to fulfill. If you’re looking to read differently, instead of – or in addition to – reading more, here are some considerations to spark your goals:
* Percentage of fiction and nonfiction
* Books about careers, politics, backgrounds, or beliefs that differ from your own
* Translated books or books from other parts of the world
* Biographies, autobiographies, or memoirs of people you admire
* Local or regional authors
* Books by people or about topics you disagree with (reading with an open mind)
* Expansive books of any kind – which I wrote about yesterday
If you’re looking for book recommendations, stay tuned. I’ll soon be sharing my favorites from 2022, as well as my favorite nonfiction reads of all time!
What reading goal(s) will you be setting in the new year?
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