Last night I opened a fortune cookie that read:
“The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost their enthusiasm.”
I’m not sure I’d word it in quite the same way, but I could definitely relate.
How do you rekindle your enthusiasm?
How do you relight your fire?
We all probably go about this differently.
And surely it depends on our situation.
But I sometimes find this combination helpful:
Acknowledging and celebrating how far I’ve come,
and envisioning what could be.
If you’d like to give this a try, start by creating a Celebration of Triumphs – a list of your successes and wins. (You can learn more and even download a worksheet here.)
Then, from that place of celebration, imagine a bright and ideal future. Dream without barriers for this exercise, as if you could truly do anything.
See if that blend of past success and future possibility doesn’t start rekindling your enthusiasm in the here and now!
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