I distinctly remember the first conference I attended as a professional.
As a new business owner and a young mom, a lot of coordinating had to take place: arranging child care, securing travel accommodations, finding the funds … it felt exciting and overwhelming all at once!
Upon my return home at the end of the event, my husband asked how it went. “It was fine,” I replied, “but not really what I expected.”
“What were you expecting?” he asked, quite logically.
I had no answer.
To be perfectly honest, I hadn’t really given the conference much forethought beyond the logistics.
What did I intend to walk away with? What did I hope to gain? And, most importantly, what was I going to do to ensure that happened?
No idea.
I realized at that moment that, in the future, I needed to be intentional about what I wanted to gain from any professional development experience. I could still be open to unexpected delights, of course, but I didn’t want to experience the aimlessness or fuzzy disappointment I did that first time around.
I have since applied this important step whether attending conferences, hiring coaches, enrolling in courses or certifications, or making any kind of commitment of my time and/or money. And since we are about to launch enrollment into the 2021 ASPIRE Success Club, I thought sharing a bit of my process might be helpful for you, too. All it requires is a brief pause and a few questions:
What do I most hope to gain from this experience?
It sounds so basic, but the nuances here are important: Sometimes you might enroll in a program for regular interaction with like-minded people, other times to advance your learning or achieve a Bold Goal, and yet other times because it provides continuing education credits in your field. Your response to this question may very well differ with each program / event / coach!
Where do I want to be a year from now, and how might this experience help me get there?
Reflect on your goals, both personal and professional, and consider how the program may help you achieve them. You’ll gain more from the experience when you feel you’re aligning your time with your future vision.
What am I willing to do to ensure this is an excellent experience?
I no longer enroll in things simply to be a name on a roster or to make my resume look good. If my goal is to advance my learning, I am going to take good notes; if it’s to build relationships with other members, I’m going to reach out and connect. Take your growth into your own hands – it’s actually quite liberating!
What is my gut telling me?
As much as the researcher in me loves data, most decisions really come down to this question: How do I feel? There have been times – many times, in fact – where I couldn’t state clear responses to the previous questions, but I felt so excited and optimistic and enthused by the potential experience that I said YES and figured it out later. The more you learn to listen to your gut, the more accurate you will find it. (It has taken me years to discover this!)
As you line up your professional development for the coming year, ask yourself a few questions to ensure a fruitful experience. And remember, whether you’re hiring your next coach, applying for grad school, or enrolling in the ASPIRE Success Club, you are investing in your present and future self – and that’s a worthwhile investment indeed!
Enrollment to the 2021 ASPIRE Success Club opens on November 1! Join us for an entire year of clarity, community, and coaching – limited space available!