Grit, Quit, or Let Go A Little Bit?
When I was about 12 years old, I used some of my babysitting money to buy a small plaque that…
READ MORECelebrating 20 Years!
This month my coaching firm, MAP Professional Development Inc, celebrates 20 years in business! I recently came across the newspaper…
READ MOREPermission For A Do-Over?
“New year, new you!” “Your fresh start begins January 1!” “Make this your BEST YEAR EVER!” We experienced a lot…
READ MOREUnraveling – Or Unveiling?
A while ago, I started writing an article about unraveling. At the time, I felt like so many things I had…
READ MOREMy Top Ten Books of 2022! – Fiction Edition
Last week I posted my ten favorite nonfiction reads of 2022, and today I’m sharing the fiction faves! The Island…
READ MOREMeaningful Goals + Exciting Resolutions
Think back, for just a moment, to ten years ago. How old were you? What life phase were you in?…
READ MOREMy Top Ten Books of 2022! – Nonfiction Edition
Narrowing down 100 or so books to my two top ten lists (fiction and nonfiction) is rarely an easy feat,…
READ MOREAccurately Counting Your Wins
As you think back over 2022 so far, what makes you feel satisfied, or proud, or fulfilled? What moments –…
READ MORECrafting Your Turnaround Story
If we’ve ever chatted for five minutes, you probably know I’m a big fan of goals. Especially at this time…