Early in my business, when asked the type of clients with whom I work, I realized nearly all of them were in a transition of some sort. I was so excited to have finally found a niche!
Not long after, it dawned on me:
Nearly all of us are in or nearing a transition of some sort. Pretty much all the time.
We’re thinking about a new role, preparing the children to start school, considering a move, approaching retirement.
The snow outside my window reminds me we’re transitioning into a new season. Soon we’ll transition to a new month, then a new year.
Even shifting from work mode to home/personal time is a transition many of us experience daily.
Life, when you think about it, is filled with transition.
I’ve experienced several myself this year, a big one being the ’empty nest.’ For the first time in over two decades, my kiddos all live outside the home they grew up in.
Leading up to this significant life change, I asked several friends about their experience. Responses varied from ‘It’s awesome, you’ll love it!’ to ‘It’s terrible, you’ll hate it!’ and all points in between.
I realized that I wanted to decide how it was going to be for me. Rather than a wait-and-see-and-hope-for-the-best approach, I chose to be intentional about entering this new phase.
Intentionality, in my experience, is key to shifting a transition into a transformation.
If you are in or approaching a change, consider being intentional about it.
Start by asking yourself what you want. If you could wave a magic wand, what would it look like on the other side of your transition?
What would you love to be able to say at that time?
How would you feel?
From that space, make your decisions and act accordingly.
(My coach is always helpful when I’m navigating a transition too, so think about hiring a coach to help you through yours.)
Your ‘next chapter’ may turn out exactly as you envision – or maybe it won’t. But by putting thought into what you want to create and being deliberate about your approach, you’re more likely to turn your transition into a meaningful transformation.
What other steps help you turn a transition into a transformation?
Enroll in the ASPIRE Success Club or join the waiting list for the ASPIRE Bold Goal Academy – we’d love to help you transform your 2023 into one of meaning and purpose!