We’re in the final stretch of 2022. Ready to kick those goals into high gear?
Here are 5 tips to help move you deftly into ‘Achieved!’ status:
Brainstorm Many, Implement Few.
Generating a giant list of possible actions is an excellent way to start crafting your plan, in large part because our first idea often isn’t our best idea. After that, however, be selective with which actions you choose to implement. Keep the 80/20 rule in mind!
Review Your Vision Daily.
It’s easy to get stuck or derailed by an obstacle when we’re only focused on the current picture. Practice zooming out. I’ve written a brief vision of what I intend to celebrate on December 31 and placed it in the front of my journal so I can see it every day. This helps me make decisions and take actions from where I want to be rather than stuck in today’s obstacle.
Assess Your Progress Weekly.
When I coach on priorities (our primary focus for the next ASPIRE Success Club term), I suggest assessing them in terms of a week vs. a day. You may not honor all 5 of your top priorities every day, for instance, but hopefully you do in the span of the week. Same goes for goal actions: Establish and track daily ones, but don’t view them as the be all/end all.
Build In Accountability.
Weave accountability into your plan regularly, in a way that serves you best. For me, it’s my scheduled meetings with my coach. For many ASPIRE members, it’s our weekly goal check-ins. Increase your likelihood of following through by having someone to report back to.
Remember Why You Started.
You set a goal to run 300 miles this quarter, and at the halfway mark, you’re at 14 miles. Rather than throwing in the towel, revisit the purpose behind your goal. Was it to increase energy? Feel healthy and fit? Then ask how you can still fulfill that purpose even if you don’t reach the goal. I’m not suggesting you give up, but rather that you view your goal purposefully and holistically.
I’ve said it a million times: In the end, goals are less about what we do and more about who we become in the process.
Who do you wish to become? Someone who is…
Focused? Determined? Purposeful?
Decide, act accordingly, and know that I’m cheering you on!
Enroll in the ASPIRE Success Club or join the waiting list for the ASPIRE Bold Goal Academy – we’d love to help you achieve in 2023!