We currently have seven weeks remaining in 2022. This time of year often moves people into one of two directions:
“Time to dig in, work hard, and give it my all!”
“Oh well, there’s always next year.”
When you look at your top-priority goal, are you on Team Go-For-It?
Or are you feeling too far behind?
If you’re considering throwing in the towel, ponder these three ideas first:
Your Purpose:
Step back and remember why you set this goal in the first place.
Your Vision:
Place yourself on December 31 and envision what you most want to say at that time.
Your Measures:
Are you actually right on track and just feeling behind compared to something – or someone – else?
Seven weeks is still a good amount of time!
Maybe with one or two bold actions, you can still achieve your goal.
Or maybe with a few small, consistent actions over the next seven weeks, you can still achieve your goal.
Or, maybe you strive for a milestone toward the goal, or adjust your timeline, or partner with a coach to help you define and reach your desired destination.
The ‘next right step’ will look different for each person, and each goal.
Just make sure you decide your next right step with intention, rather than based on assumption or comparison.
Doors are now open for the ASPIRE Bold Goal Academy and the ASPIRE Success Club! Join one of these powerful programs while space is available!