Your YES List: What Matters Most

Christi Hegstad May 9th, 2016

“Clarity about what matters provides clarity about what does not.” 

Cal Newport

Coaching Tip for the Week:

What matters most to you?

When I work with coaching clients in areas like time and leadership, I often find them most challenged by prioritization. Perhaps you experience this, too: You look at your to-do list and everything is important. 

Maybe so, but it’s not all equally important. You have to be able to weight things or you’ll live in a constant state of pressure and pull. 

When it comes to big-picture life priorities, becoming clear on your top ones helps you realize you don’t need to worry about balance. As certain things take precedence, others can move down the list a bit, if only temporarily. You can decide with greater ease what to say ‘yes’ to and, naturally, what to say ‘no’ to as well.

Not only that, you can say that ‘no’ guilt-free, because you know you’re saying a greater yes as a result. (Raise your hand if that guilt-free part sounds appealing!) 😉

This week, determine your top five life priorities. Consider the major dimensions like health, career, family, spirituality, and so on. Ask yourself, given the place you’re at in life, what matters most right now? What truly needs your highest attention?

Consider those priorities your YES list. 

And give yourself permission to focus more heavily on those areas for the moment. Eventually, you can transfer this strategy to your daily actions and to-do list (let me know if you need help), but for now, get your life priorities clear. Your calendar, mind, and sense of purpose will thank you! 

Share your thoughts with me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Dr. Christi Hegstad coaches you to live, work, and lead with meaning and purpose! 

A certified and award-winning coach, author, and speaker, Christi is a recognized leadership and professional development expert. She has received such honors as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, Forbes Coaches Council, and is current president of ICF Iowa. She is a frequently sought-after speaker and writes regularly for The Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, ICF, and more. 

Connect with Christi on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or by email.


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