If someone came up to you today and said,
“Tell me who you are in five words,”
how would you respond?
What makes you, you?
This week, play with this question.
Today’s Clarity Kickstart was prompted by a couple of things:
First, in the 2022 ASPIRE Success Club, one topic we’ll be addressing involves living + working with intention. In order to be intentional, we must know ourselves, our values, and who we are at our core.
Second, one of my favorite novels of the year has an unnamed narrator – something I didn’t even realize until I finished the book. A subtle + unexpected reminder that we are so much more than our roles, our job titles, even our names.
Who are you, in five words?
Whatever words you land on, thank you for being YOU! You are exactly what this world needs, and I am grateful for you.
Earlybird rates end soon! Click here to line up your FULL YEAR of personal + professional development with the ASPIRE Success Club!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for coaching tips, book recommendations, and more!