What Will You Look Back And Say?

Whether a meeting or a lifetime, deciding in advance what you want to look back and say can change your entire approach.
Christi Hegstad March 1st, 2021

Think about what you want to look back and say. Then choose your mindset. – Carol Dweck, PhD

The above line comes from Dweck’s outstanding and frequently-cited book, Mindset.
You can apply this idea of thinking about what you want to say when you look back in the context of your lifetime, your week, or even the meeting you’re about to enter.
This week, choose your mindset.
We can’t always control the outcome.
We can’t always determine whether or not something will go as planned.
We can choose our mindset.
Practice being intentional about the mindset you choose throughout your activities this week.
Ask yourself, “What do I want to look back and say?”
Then choose, think, and act accordingly.
Interested in my takeaways from books like Mindset, Shoe Dog, Wintering, and more? Be sure to connect on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!


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