You may think the issues we face right now are so large-scale that one person can’t possibly make a difference.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Let me give you a few examples:
A small business owner wonders if she can realistically keep her doors open any longer. Unexpectedly, a client raves about the business on social media and the outstanding experience he had. The client’s friends and connections see the post, the small business owner starts to receive new inquiries, and the business starts to revive.
Starting with the generous efforts of one thoughtful person.
A nonprofit dedicated to feeding the hungry is low on food. A member of the community asks her neighborhood to drop off donations on her front porch, stating that she will mask up and deliver them to the nonprofit the following week. Word spreads, a nearby company volunteers to match efforts, and suddenly two van-fulls of food – plus additional monetary donations – begin replenishing the pantry.
Beginning with the actions of one committed person.
Or consider Dale Schroeder, a quiet carpenter in Iowa, who has sent 33 kids and counting to college (read about Dale here).
One thoughtful, committed person who has set an astounding ripple effect in motion.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world,” anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote. “Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Guess what a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens starts with?
One thoughtful, committed person.
Rate and review that podcast you love. ‘Like’ and comment on the posts of that small business you admire. Forward the newsletter of your favorite nonprofit to your friends. Call the person who popped into your mind today. Write a testimonial. Send a note. Text a simple comment of gratitude.
There are countless, simple ways to make a difference.
How will you make yours today?
Less than two weeks to surround yourself with the most positive, purposeful difference-makers you’ll ever hope to meet. Join the ASPIRE Success Club today!