When was the last time you went to bed feeling fulfilled, purposeful, and satisfied with the day?
When was the last time you went to bed feeling pretty much the opposite?
Some days are awesome, some days not so much. How do you increase the odds in your favor?
I believe this involves asking ourselves an important question:
When am I at my BEST?
From there, we can discern clues, find factors, and create environments that support more awesome days. We can’t control everything, but we don’t have to leave everything completely up to chance, either.
In the general sense, medical research has shown us we tend to feel and operate at our best when we get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods, and move our bodies.
Beyond that, I’ve discovered some factors that contribute to me, personally, feeling and operating at my best. For example:
I’m growing or learning.
My space is uncluttered.
I am practicing gratitude, either verbally or in my journal.
I have both peaceful and productive activities planned.
I’m engaging in meaningful conversation.
Those are a few of the factors that contribute to me being at my best. I try to structure my days accordingly to the extent possible. And when I’m having an ‘off’ day, I can turn to my list and see what might be missing.
When are you at your best?
Brainstorm factors that contribute to the optimum you.
Then put them into practice as much as you can.
You may soon find your awesome days starting to outweigh the rest!