How did last month go for you?
If this month is a repeat, will you be satisfied with that?
If so, carry on!
And if you’d like this month to look different than the preceding one, try asking yourself different questions. For example:
1. What one word do you want to describe your month?
You might choose a feeling (strong, peaceful), an outcome (productive, focused), or a general descriptor (courageous, light-hearted) – whatever serves you best.
2. What one project will you achieve, complete, or move significantly forward?
When everything is important, then essentially nothing is important; we have limited time and energy and therefore must prioritize. Choosing one focal point doesn’t mean everything else falls by the wayside – just that you commit to giving it attention each day or week.
3. What one daily action will you take to keep your mindset strong?
I suggest keeping this simple and brief – perhaps even something that takes less than two minutes. Some examples: Choose an intention each morning, write a win each evening, give thanks for 3 things, stretch for one minute before hopping in the shower, make your bed.
Record your answers at the front of your journal, on your monthly calendar, or on a sticky note placed where you will see it regularly. Let it serve as a guide and reminder for the month you are committed to creating!
P.S. Feel free to peek at Instagram or Facebook for my responses to these 3 questions this month!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.