I recently suggested that your comfort zone is an illusion. Today, I invite you to consider a scenario along with this suggestion. Have you ever experienced something like this:
You see an opportunity – maybe a career change, a new line of study, a group or program in which you have little experience but it completely enthralls you.
Part of you wants to embrace the opportunity. You can’t stop thinking about it, you light up at the possibility, you see – and even *feel* – so much potential.
It’s exciting.
But another part of you is freaking out: “It’s such a stretch! It’s so new and different! I’ve never done anything like this before!”
It’s uncomfortable.
Which part do you listen to?
It may depend on the situation, but here’s a thought to consider:
Have you ever passed up an opportunity because it felt out of your comfort zone – only to feel uncomfortable anyway?
Discomfort is a part of life. But sometimes we get to *choose* our discomfort – the discomfort that comes with growth, or the discomfort that comes with staying the same, day in, year out.
Dr. Brene Brown reminds us that we can choose courage or comfort, but not both – not at the same time anyway.
We’ve had a few ASPIRE Success Club members over the years who hesitated joining because it felt out of their comfort zones … and who are still members five, seven, even ten years later because of the profound growth they experience!
So once again, I invite you to consider the possibility that your comfort zone is actually an illusion. That you have the power to choose how your experience will go. And that outside those imaginary walls of your comfort zone perhaps lies new skills, new people, new opportunities for growth, even an enhanced life.
Stay the same and stay temporarily comfortable. Try a healthy new opportunity and experience temporary discomfort, perhaps alongside tremendous growth.
Which will you choose?
Only a few days remain to join the 2021 ASPIRE Success Club! Click here and enroll – next year at this time, you’ll be SO glad you did!