Whether or not you enjoy writing, a Success Journal offers a fun way to record your wins while boosting your confidence!
“If I can write things out I can see them, and they are not trapped within my own subjectivity.”
— Madeline L’Engle
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Do you record your wins, successes, happy moments, gratitudes?
 How about your challenges, frustrations, problems?
I’ve kept a journal since age 8, and I’m actually not sure how I would figure anything out without it! 🙂 My journals are filled with solutioning, mind-mapping, processing, recording wins and challenges, vacation ideas, gratitude, and so much more.
This week, start what I call a Success Journal: Simply jot down one win per day.
Commit to doing this before you leave the office each day or before you go to bed at night. Next week at this time, you’ll have 7 wins documented. Keep it going a bit longer and you’ll have a great track record of success to buoy you on days when you’re questioning yourself!
For added journaling support, see my previous blog announcing the 10-Day Journaling Challenge, which starts Wednesday. I’ve supported so many coaching clients in beginning a journaling practice – now I’m helping anyone interested!