“Don’t abandon yourself.”
I’ve heard this phrase in myriad places lately and it has really struck a chord.
There are so many ways we might abandon ourselves:
* Not speaking up,
* Compromising our values,
* Playing small,
to name a few.
And maybe it’s just me and my interpretation, but it seems we often abandon ourselves to avoid the possibility of discomfort – others’ and/or our own.
Does this resonate with you, too?
If so, I encourage you to intentionally move toward the opposite:
Show up for yourself.
We can do this in so many ways. For starters:
* Declining an offer when we already feel stretched too thin.
* Dedicating time to a creative project for no other reason than personal enjoyment.
* Reaching out for help rather than trying to figure everything out ourselves.
How might you show up for yourself this week?
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.