Time for my monthly roundup of lessons learned or relearned. Here are some of the key lessons July brought my way:
1. Some days I wonder if any of us truly feels like a full-fledged adult! 😀 (This one stemmed from a lot of really funny conversations this month!)
2. Asking myself ‘What’s the lesson here?’ is one of the best habits I’ve ever developed.
3. You attract what you track.
4. Sometimes (often?) the journey far surpasses the destination.
5. Investing in your personal growth is hugely worthwhile.
6. I believe I could easily eat Mediterranean food every single day.
7. Time flies.
8. Time especially flies with kiddos! I savor the moments with them.
9. My favorite days include a healthy blend of productivity + peacefulness.
10. Is there anything better than watching someone light up as they share what they’re passionate about?!
What food could you eat daily and never tire of? What is one of the best habits you’ve developed? What do your favorite days include?
Share a lesson below or on Facebook – or let me know if any of mine resonated with you!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for weekly coaching tips, free resources, book recommendations, and more!