Last week, I attended the ICF Midwest Coaches Conference in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Connection, inspiration, education, meaningful conversations, exceptional growth – all my favorite things and core values basically came together in one space! I left rejuvenated and am thankful to everyone who worked so diligently to bring us together in such a purposeful way.
Attempting to narrow down my copious notes to just a few takeaways has proven challenging! I’ve thus decided to divide this into two parts:
Today I am sharing five general life takeaways from this experience – things I believe nearly anyone can reflect on, learn from, be reminded of, or apply into their work or life. And in true coaching fashion, I’ve designed a reflective question for each item that you can ponder if you wish, too.
Coaching colleagues, be sure to check back tomorrow as Part 2 will highlight my top coaching takeaways.
Here we go!
1. Dream Bigger.
In multiple sessions, we were invited to dream bigger – for our professions, our families, the organizations and communities and people we serve, our world at large. The last few years have challenged us all in many ways, and for some of us, that has meant playing smaller than we perhaps otherwise would. I could practically feel my future vision expanding while I listened to Dr. Damian Goldvarg’s closing keynote!
Reflective Question: What would a really big, bold, audacious, meaningful dream look like for you right now?
2. Go Deeper.
In a society that often focuses on vanity metrics and comparison culture, we can sometimes lose sight of what truly matters to us and to those around us. Taking the time and energy to dig deeper – either alone, with a coach, or with another trusted professional – can remind us of our true values and priorities, and prompt us to design new, more meaningful measures of success as a result. I loved Dr. Melissa Peet’s take: “I don’t want you to level up, I want you to deepen down.”
Reflective Question: What are you keeping at surface level, and how might you go deeper?
3. Show Greater Compassion Than (Seemingly) Necessary.
Several sessions highlighted the prevalence of burnout, workplace stress, physical and mental health challenges, and issues with psychological safety. These challenges are faced by so many – even the most ‘put together’ among us – and we often have no idea what others are trying to navigate. My takeaway? Extend extra compassion and kindness whenever possible – with our healthcare provider, our child’s teacher, our next-door neighbor, our grocery clerk. It all matters. We all matter.
Reflective Question: Who seems to ‘have it all together’ but could benefit from a kind word or gentle encouragement?
4. Going ‘Back To Basics’ Can Actually Move You Forward.
Technology and other advancements can support us in myriad ways, no doubt. At the same time, going ‘back to basics’ doesn’t necessarily mean going backwards. Making eye contact, writing by hand in a journal, walking in nature without headphones – sometimes returning to the most basic actions will move us forward more swiftly and seamlessly than anything!
Reflective Question: Where could going ‘back to basics’ help you move forward?
5. Let People Know They Make A Difference.
During one session, we were asked to partner up and share about a person who inspired us to become a coach. Later that day, a beautiful friend and colleague of mine approached me and said, “During that segment, I shared about you.” I cannot express how meaningful that felt, and how those words came at just the right time for me. That interaction has inspired me to let more people know the difference they’ve made in my life!
Reflective Question: To whom could you send a note of appreciation this week?
Which of these takeaways speaks to you? How might you incorporate it into your work or life this week?