What Matters Most (And The Call No One Wants To Get)

Do you know your top priorities?
Christi Hegstad December 4th, 2016

Do you know your top priorities?

One year ago, driving home from a coaching appointment, my mind wandered: What on earth will I make for dinner? I haven’t heard from Shelly in ages – is she upset with me? How am I going to get everything done? Where are those clothes I need to return? My cell phone trilled in the seat behind me but I didn’t pay much attention.

Until the caller tried a second time. And a third. And a fourth.
I pulled over, reached behind me for my phone, and saw several missed calls from an unknown number appear on my screen. With the last one, he had left a voicemail, of which I only remember key words:

“Mrs. Hegstad…your son…accident…paramedics on their way…”

Those thoughts mulling around in my mind moments earlier? Poof – gone. Replacing them was my current #1 priority: I need to get to my son.


Can you think of a moment where your priorities become crystal clear? Unfortunately, it often occurs in times of crisis. We can spend oodles of time overthinking and worrying, then in an instant, life becomes like a laser: clear, concise, focused. We wonder why we spent all that time stewing over details that, in the grand scheme of things, don’t really matter.

I coach and speak often on the topic of priorities, and my goal is always the same: To help you decide, proactively and with intention, what matters most – then to adjust your mindset, days, weeks, and life accordingly. To choose where to invest your time rather than having it chosen for you. To feel a sense of empowerment and purpose rather than floating on autopilot or at the whim of circumstance.

Could you use a boost in this area? Try reflecting here for starters:

  • Look Ahead. What do you most want to be known for, remembered for? When people think of you, what do you want to come to mind? How about when you look back over your own life?
  • Look Back. Over the past 2-4 weeks, where have you spent your time – honestly? Do those activities reflect what matters most to you?
  • Start With Today. What’s your Daily Top 3 today: the 3 items that must get your attention, even if all else goes haywire? (Hint: Write them on a sticky note and separate it from your massive to-do list.)


Getting back to a year ago: I arrived at the school, where my son had been at basketball practice, just before the paramedics. He suffered a dislocated knee and a fractured leg, requiring several months of crutches and physical therapy and doctor’s visits. He’s now good as new, for which I am ever thankful.

But that moment – that voicemail – will remain etched in my mind forever, serving as a beacon when I go astray. (Because I do. We all do.)Decide what matters most.Invest your energy there.Don’t sweat the small stuff.Commit to working with meaning, living with purpose, and acting with intention.If we can do this, consistently and repeatedly, our minds will become clearer, our loads a bit lighter, and our work and lives will be characterized by meaning and purpose.

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