For me, November was a month of implementing great change, and I’m definitely seeing that reflected in the lessons I’ve gathered from those 30 days. Do any of these lessons resonate with you, too?
1. Watching a 90-year-old’s first video on YouTube sparks a whole new kind of inspiration.
2. Believe the *best* – then take whatever actions possible to make that your reality.
3. Even after decades of experience, daylight savings time will still throw you for a loop.
4. Focus on the beautiful future you are creating, even with all of its unknowns and uncertainties.
5. An arrow gets pulled back just before it propels forward towards its target. Life can work similarly sometimes.
6. ‘What if it all turns out *fantastic*?’ is a helpful and productive question.
7. Focus your energy on what truly, truly matters.
8. As Marie Forleo said (and wrote an entire book on), everything is figureoutable.
9. Having all the Thanksgiving side dishes actually finish cooking at the same time can make a person feel like they’re winning at life.
10. Dream big, keep the faith, and do the work.
Here’s to more growth in December!