For the past several years, I’ve conducted a review at the end of each month. One feature of these reviews involves recapping the top lessons I learned or was reminded of in that particular month, most of which I have documented here on my blog.
Now that 2023 has come to a close and I’ve had some time to reflect, I’ve generated my overall lessons for the year – ten reminders that I am carrying with me into 2024. Let me know if one of these resonates with you, too!
1. Inspiration can come from the most random and unexpected places. Stay open.
2. Fuel yourself with what you want more of in your life (ie, optimism, gratitude, positivity). This may require conscious effort at times.
3. Sometimes you need to take a few steps back – or even several – in order to recalibrate and move in the direction you’re meant to go next.
4. No year is all good or all bad or all anything. Acknowledge, celebrate, learn.
5. Honor the small moments that bring you joy, make you think deeply, or fill you with wonder. Make note of them whenever possible, too – they can be so profound but also so easy to forget.
6. When in doubt, take a walk. It almost always helps!
7. Rekindling a hobby, and/or starting a new one, could be exactly what you need – even if (especially if?) you don’t feel you have the time.
8. Pausing and asking, ‘Who and how do I choose to be in this moment?’ will be worth the few seconds it requires. Do so often.
9. Some things take longer and/or are more difficult than expected. Don’t be afraid to adjust the goal, seek help, or try a new way. Rerouting does not equal failure.
10. Trust yourself. You have decades of experience to show that you can rely on you.
Thank you, 2023. You weren’t necessarily the easiest year ever, but I learned a lot from you.
What lesson are you carrying into the new year?