Within the next few weeks, if all goes according to plan, I will post my 1000th blog.
And unless you are reading this particular blog, you – and most of the world – will probably never know or care.
I am also on a quest this season to find a new favorite Christmas album.
And I can’t even begin to tell you the goals I have around Wordle!
These are not my Bold Goals. In fact, they don’t even appear on any list of goals for the quarter or year.
The only way I can describe them is as my weird goals, and I’m so happy I have them!
What Makes Them Weird?
If you’ve coached with me or attended any of my goal-setting workshops, you can probably see these goals don’t meet most of my typical criteria.
They’re kind of random, not necessarily linked to a greater vision, and mostly they popped up without much thought.
In that regard, they’re weird goals for me.
But I always like to intersperse a few weird goals with the bold and meaningful ones.
And my weird goals still have a purpose: They’re fun. Whenever I think, ‘Why on earth am I doing this?’ my answer is typically, ‘I don’t know, but I’m having a ball!’
I’m not using ‘weird’ as judgment of any kind – just that they’re out of the ordinary, for me!
Why Even Bother?
Sometimes, as achievers, we need to remind ourselves that doing something purely for the joy is reason enough.
But also, sometimes weird or random goals turn out to have profound benefits, too.
For example, I decided to blog every day for a month to move that 1000th blog a bit closer. As a result, I am sharing content every single day that will hopefully help someone, somewhere in the world. My over-thinking (and often, over-editing) has decreased considerably. I’m more frequently writing from the heart.
All wins, in my book.
As another example, I once decided to record one ‘delight’ per day, just for fun. Three years later, I am still keeping my Daily Delights list, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much this has supported my mindset and overall joy.
Sometimes those weird, random goals turn out to be super meaningful after all!
Setting New Goals
I’ve already started helping clients set their goals for the new year, and I’m sure you’ll see more goal-related posts in the near future, too. In addition to the goals that clearly move you toward your future vision, also ask yourself:
What sounds fun?
What lights me up?
What would I love to celebrate, even if no one else knows, cares, or ‘gets it’?
And when you ask yourself, ‘What’s the purpose of this weird goal?’ perhaps let a response of ‘For the joy of it’ be enough. 🙂
We love all kinds of goals in the ASPIRE Bold Goal Academy – come and join us!