It’s Time To Raise Your Game – And Here’s How

Christi Hegstad February 1st, 2016

“If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average.”

Shawn Achor

Coaching Tip for the Week:

Imagine you want to improve your tennis game. Would you play against someone less skilled than you, to experience the “easy win”? Or would you want someone more advanced who would likely win – but would also challenge and teach you along the way?

Achor’s statement hits the nail on the head. If we want to raise our game, we need to learn from those who inspire and teach us to do so. For me, this highlights why I read excellent authors, attend quality professional development events, participate in high-level mastermind groups, and always have a coach. 

This week, commit to raising your gameFirst, identify where you want to grow. Then, find the people and resources to help you: coach, mentor, mastermind group, trainer, accountability partner, class, conference. Secure at least one of them this week to prove your commitment to yourself.

The comment I hear most often from new clients: “I wish I had started coaching years ago!” Don’t put off your high-priority growth any longer. Your future self will thank you for the raise-your-game decision you make this week!

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I am Dr. Christi Hegstad, and I coach people to work, live, and lead with meaning and purpose. Ready to join the movement?

I am a certified executive & leadership coach, author, speaker, and president of MAP Professional Development Inc. I’ve been honored as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, and president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa).

On the personal side, I am a book addict, coffee lover, and mom to three amazing kids. I am passionate about growth and believe kindness is a game-changer. I am a recovering perfectionist and am learning to lean into my vulnerability more and more.

I love working with meaningful achievers who want to make a positive difference in their work, lives, communities, and world. Join our mailing list, connect on Facebook (/MAPIncFan) Twitter (@DrChristiCoach) and Instagram (DrChristiHegstad), or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!


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