“I know we’re heading into 4th quarter, and I want to finish the year strong … but I’m just not feeling it! How can I get re-inspired?”
Does this sound – or feel – familiar?
If you’re waiting for inspiration to strike, I have good news and bad news:
The good news: You’re not alone. Even the most high-achieving among us feels a dip in motivation and loss of inspiration from time to time.
The bad news: If you simply wait around for inspiration to strike, you may wait a long, loooooooooong time.
But, more good news: You don’t have to sit around and wait. You can re-inspire yourself, and it may not even require much time or effort!
Where To Start
When my coaching clients need a boost of inspiration, we often begin with a Breakthrough Map.
At its most basic: Decide the issue to solve, put it in the form of a “How can I…” question, and brainstorm away. (Learn more about the Breakthrough Map process here.)
Putting our two heads together, we can typically generate 25+ possibilities within a matter of minutes, an act that – in and of itself – tends to fuel further inspiration.
Give The Breakthrough Map A Try
Let’s take the question, “How can I get re-inspired?” as an example. Some ideas appearing on your Breakthrough Map may include:
* Create new short-term goals that kickstart you into gear, one small step at a time.
* Revisit your Vision and Purpose Statements to remind you where you’re headed and why.
* Connect with your coach.
* Declutter / clear out your immediate space.
* Brainstorm advice you would offer if someone came to you and said, “How can I get re-inspired?”
* Read a memoir or listen to an in-depth interview from someone you admire.
* Step away from your current environment and into nature: Head outside for a walk, ride your bike along a nearby river, or grab your lawn chair and head to your own backyard.
Keep going with ideas until you generate twenty-five or more!
Your Next Inspired Action
From there, you can choose one idea and begin.
Or you can categorize and order your ideas.
Or you could select your top 3 and focus your attention there, put the map away for a while and return to it for a second round, or take any number of actions.
And therein lies the key: Action.
While thinking about an issue is an important place to start, acting on it will boost our inspiration many times over – plus begin building momentum for the foreseeable future.
Take some time today to create a Breakthrough Map for re-inspiration, then hop into action. Be sure to let me know what other inspiration-boosting ideas you generate!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.