How To Open Up Possibilities

Christi Hegstad February 29th, 2016

“Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done.'”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Coaching Tip for the Week:


Imagine your employee, significant other, or child came to you with a wild, crazy idea that they wanted to pursue. How would you likely respond?

“It will never work.”

“Too expensive.”

“We’ve already tried that.”

Does one of those sound like you?

Or do you dwell in possibility, at least for a while? 

This week, focus on questions instead of statementsNothing squelches innovation like a negative response – especially if the person sharing the idea has been holding it in for a while. As a coach, I spend a fair amount of my life in questions, and I recommend it. Some ways to experiment:

How might that work?”

“What intrigues you most about the idea?”

“What kind of help might you need to make it work?”

“What do you see as your possible next step?”

“Who might help you?”

Questions can help you learn how someone thinks, opens up possibility, and lead to clarity and actions. Entertain the question this week. I bet you’ll be delighted by the answers!

Share your thoughts on FacebookTwitter, and now Instagram!

I am Dr. Christi Hegstad, and I coach people to work, live, and lead with meaning and purpose. Ready to join the movement?

I am a certified executive & leadership coach, author, speaker, and president of MAP Professional Development Inc. I’ve been honored as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, and president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa).

On the personal side, I am a book addict, coffee lover, and mom to three amazing kids. I am passionate about growth and believe kindness is a game-changer. I am a recovering perfectionist and am learning to lean into my vulnerability more and more.

I love working with meaningful achievers who want to make a positive difference in their work, lives, communities, and world. Join our mailing list, connect on Facebook (/MAPIncFan) Twitter (@DrChristiCoach) and Instagram (DrChristiHegstad), or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!



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