How Can A Purpose Statement Benefit YOU?

Do you know your purpose? Can you succinctly state it in a sentence? Here are a few ways this clarity can help you flourish!
Christi Hegstad August 21st, 2024

Enrollment in WRITE YOUR PURPOSE STATEMENT Home Study Course now open! Click here for details.


What is your purpose?

When I ask this in workshops, some participants say their minds go completely blank; others report approximately 1,287 possibilities rising to the surface.

It’s a big question. And an important one.

And honestly, when I think of all the tools, concepts, techniques, and strategies I’ve coached over the years – and have experienced myself – PURPOSE is the one that underlies and overarches them all.

But why is it so helpful to know your why?

Purposeful Benefits

If you wonder how a concise Purpose Statement can benefit you, here are just a few possibilities:

Decision-making. When you know your core values and are clear on your purpose, you can make decisions with greater ease, confidence, and alignment. My clients have called on their Purpose Statements when making decisions of all types – big or small, personal or professional. Even when interviewing for and choosing a career path!

Focus. Ever feel like the world is filled with continuous chatter and mixed messages? A succinct Purpose Statement can help clear away the excess noise and bring a laser-like focus to what matters most to you.

Courage. I’ll share a specific example in the Purpose Statement course, but suffice it to say when you know why you’re doing something, when you know it aligns with your purpose, your strength and ability to follow through expands – even when you’re scared.

Filter. Whether engaging in an important conversation or wondering whether to push ‘publish’ on a social media comment, you can look through the lens of your Purpose Statement for clarity.

Resilience. In challenging moments, knowing your why can help you persevere. Your purpose is always a part of you, but clarifying it in a concise statement can help you call it to mind more easily in times of difficulty.

Confidence. In yourself, in your choices, in your roles, in your importance in the world. If you struggle with overthinking or second-guessing, your Purpose Statement can help you stand tall in all you do.

That’s just to name a few!

YOUR Purpose For Knowing Your Purpose

As I’ve said many times and wholeheartedly believe, you are filled with purpose. You are here for a purpose. And you are making a purposeful difference in the world, whether you realize it or not.

How might clarifying this purpose benefit you?

I encourage you to give this question some thought. Maybe it will be for some of the reasons mentioned above, or maybe you’ll generate completely different ones.

Then, I encourage you to do the work to uncover your purpose – to clarify it in a concise, fulfilling, easy-to-memorize statement to support you in your day-to-day life, as well as in your long-term vision. If you want help with this, be sure to check out my upcoming Write Your Purpose Statement home study course! Enrollment is now open and the course begins soon.

In their book, How Will You Measure Your Life?, Clayton Christensen and his coauthors wrote, “If you take the time to figure out your purpose in life, I promise that you will look back on it as the most important thing you will have ever learned.”

Consider how you – and those around you – may benefit from you uncovering your purpose.

Then consider taking the time to do this important work. If you’re anything like me and the countless people I’ve supported in this process over the decades, you will be glad you did!

Enroll in the Write Your Purpose Statement home study course here!

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