Every morning, much like a favorite children’s TV show or an online dictionary, I choose a word for the day.
Or rather, it seems a word chooses me.
Either way, this simple 20-second practice of setting a daily intention has proven especially helpful in recent weeks.
Today, for example, my intention is ‘Ever Forward.’
As I look at my schedule, priorities, and goals for the day, I want to intentionally conduct them with my vision for the future in mind. I want to take actions today that align with my ideal tomorrow. Ever forward.
When I think about the hike I plan to take this afternoon, I want to push myself to go a bit further than I have in a while. Ever forward.
Even as I consider my evening at home, I intend to do activities – like reading, writing, and chatting with family – that I can enjoy in the present and that also plant seeds for future growth and delight. Ever forward.
So although I don’t really ‘do’ anything with my intention once it’s set, it definitely makes an appearance throughout the day – automatically infusing my actions with greater meaning and purpose.
What would serve as a powerful intention for you today?
If you have an overflowing schedule, maybe your intention today is ENERGY.
If you feel a bit stressed or anxious, maybe your intention is PEACE.
If you’re considering a career change or a move, maybe your intention is CLARITY.
Consider your values and your vision for the future. Look at your agenda for today. Then choose a purposeful word or phrase that you want to represent the day – your daily intention.
May you have an intentional, purposeful day!
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