What one action, if you committed to it daily for 30 days (or 20, or even 10), could change your trajectory?
Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit off-kilter. So a little over a month ago, I asked myself the above question and decided to create a 30-day challenge for myself. After tossing around a few ideas, I ultimately chose to blog every single day for 30 days.
My primary reason behind this involved strengthening my discipline and consistency. Not super-exciting concepts, perhaps, but I knew building those up would likely help me feel less off-kilter and more on-track.
I am happy to report that today is Day #31 of my 30-day challenge – and I definitely experienced what I had anticipated! But I also learned several other lessons from this project as well:
Daily action eliminates (or at least minimizes) overthinking. And in my case, over-editing as well. A daily commitment allows you to simply get in the habit of taking the action, and setting a short-term time frame gives you the sense of ‘I know I can do this for (5, 10, 30) days.’
Honoring commitments feels good – and reminds you that you can do what you set your mind to. Maybe your goals have changed or gone by the wayside this year, which is totally understandable but can also weigh on the mind of an achiever. Setting a simple commitment that you stick to can boost your sense of capability – and with a new year around the corner, now is the perfect time!
Tracking is key! Our minds are not always trustworthy reporters, so create a chart to keep you on course. In addition, seeing the check marks added each day provides enhanced motivation.
Focus on the action rather than the outcome. Like with any goal, envisioning the desired result is hugely important. But then, you can turn your attention to the simple daily action currently in your control. I have found this focus on presence in the moment, blended with a practice of non-attachment, incredibly helpful.
Know the purpose behind your project. Why will reading 15 pages per day be good for you? Why will making your bed each day benefit you? Get crystal clear on the purpose so you can act with intention rather than a sense of ‘should.’
For me, it was blogging. For you, it might be stretching, reading, connecting with someone, drinking water, or writing in a gratitude journal.
What’s one thing you’d like to look back and say about yourself one month – or even one week – from now? What’s one simple, daily action you could put into place to help you get there?
For added accountability, share your daily commitment below or on Instagram or Facebook. Good luck with your challenge – you can do it!
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