What tends to drain your energy?
Three things immediately come to mind for me:
Worry, clutter, and waffling in indecision.
I know I’m not alone here, which is why we’ll address these topics (and more) in the ASPIRE Success Club next year!
As I plan my goals and line up my personal + professional development for the coming year, I am keeping Marie Forleo’s words in mind:
“All progress begins with a brave decision.”
This week, make a decision.
If indecisiveness is depleting your energy, feel free to adopt my top Guiding Principle:
Decide And Take Action.
For me, this means doing the necessary homework, making a confident decision, then immediately taking an action in favor of that decision.
Decide if you’ll adopt the principle. Decide what it means to you. Then clearly, confidently make your decisions!
The 2022 ASPIRE Success Club is filling up – join us today!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for coaching tips, book recommendations, and more!