This opportunity sounds awesome but…
…it would be so out of my comfort zone.
…I don’t feel like I could compare to others in the group.
…I have no idea what my goals are – or if I even have any.
…I’m not sure I’d fit in.
…I’ve never done anything like this before.
Have you ever let one of these fears keep you from enrolling in a course, joining a group, or engaging in a development opportunity that could potentially change your career or life?
I can definitely empathize. If you’ve avoided pursuing a meaningful opportunity due to one of these issues, or something similar, maybe what I’ve shared with potential ASPIRE members will help you, too.
First, comparison really only exists when you choose to compare. In ASPIRE, for example, everyone wants to achieve something meaningful in their own work or lives, and they also want to support others in their pursuits. We celebrate, support, and collaborate – rather than compete.
You can adopt the same mindset wherever you go, whatever you pursue.
In addition, our comfort zones are an illusion. Have you ever not joined a group, for example, and still felt uncomfortable at times? Discomfort is a part of life; personally, I prefer the type that will stretch and grow me rather than the kind that arrives unexpectedly!
I predict 2021 will be a year of building, showing up, and extraordinary growth. Make your plans now for the guidance and support that will get you where you want to be – whether it’s enrolling in a certification course, hiring a coach, or joining the ASPIRE Success Club. Next year at this time, you’ll be SO glad you did!
Doors are about to close on the 2021 ASPIRE Success Club – enroll today!