Want to plan a beautiful year for yourself but don’t quite feel in goal-setting mode?
Here’s an idea to try instead. All you need is a pen, a piece of paper, an envelope, and your calendar.
At the top of your page, write December 31, 2024 (or whatever future date you choose).
Imagine yourself on that date, and consider what you’d love to be celebrating and acknowledging at that time.
Then, write yourself a letter from that space.
Give yourself a time limit of 15 minutes (to prevent overthinking) and simply write from the heart. What would you love to be celebrating at that time? What growth will you ideally experience, what goals will you ideally reach, what projects will you ideally accomplish? For what will you be especially thankful?
You can be as general or specific as you’d like with your letter. Let go of any perfectionistic tendencies (I no longer allow myself a rough draft, for example 🙂 ) and any requirements or expectations. Yes, it may feel silly to write a letter to and from yourself – but so what. Simply let it be fun and illuminating.
Next, seal your letter in an envelope with your name and the instructions ‘Open on December 31, 2024’ on the front. Place it somewhere secure, and make a note or appointment in your calendar for the open date. (Include a reminder of where you placed it, if needed.)
I have conducted this exercise many times and it’s such a fun way to dream a bit now and celebrate later. I am nearly always surprised at how my ideas have transformed or come to fruition over the year, too!
Have you ever written a letter from your future self? What did you discover in the process?