5 Things I Would Do Differently [Lessons From 15 Years In Business]

Many lessons learned in 15 years of business! Today, 5 things I would do differently if I were starting my coaching business now.
Christi Hegstad February 28th, 2018

During this 15th anniversary month of MAP Professional Development Inc. (or, 15th MAPiversary, as we call it!), I am sharing 15 of the countless lessons learned over the past 15 years. Yesterday, I offered 5 things I would do exactly the same if I started my business over right now.

Today, I share 5 things I would do differently:

1. Worry Less.

As a new business owner, I constantly felt the need to prove myself and would agonize over details and swirl in indecision for the smallest things. Focus on building your experience rather than worrying about whether you appear ____________ enough (you can fill in the blank).

2. Trust Myself More.

Theodore Roosevelt once said comparison is the thief of joy, and I tend to agree. Learn to focus less on the ‘shoulds’ and what everyone else is doing, and focus more on trusting yourself. As my mom used to say, any decision made in love will not steer you astray.

3. Hire A Coach Sooner.

From the beginning, I enrolled in seminars, joined groups, attended conferences; all contributed to my growth, but nothing helped it skyrocket like working with a coach. I’ve hired dozens of them since. Recognize that you don’t have to go it alone, and nothing compares to the high level support of a trained, experienced professional fully invested in your success.

4. Less “Niche,” More “Ideal Client.” 

Even though the business gurus said I must, I could not for the life of me figure out my niche market. I’ve coached entrepreneurs and financial planners and CEOs and academicians and firefighters and about every industry in between – where could my niche possibly lie? Then one day I focused on who my ideal client was instead – qualities, characteristics, and so on – and lo and behold the dilemma was solved. I’m grateful to now work with Meaningful Achievers every day.

5. Reach Out For Help.

For too long, I believed if I just put my head down and got to work, I could figure everything out. I shortened my learning curve drastically when I started admitting I didn’t have all the answers. Whatever your path, you don’t have to go it alone.

As you look back over your career or business, what is one thing you would do differently today? Feel free to share your thoughts below or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!


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