3 Quick Ideas for a Purposeful Weekend

Christi Hegstad May 20th, 2016

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” ~ Bill Watterson

What are your plans for the weekend?

I coach and speak often on the topics of time, priorities, and what matters most. Though much of this typically begins in the realm of the workday, we can’t talk about making the most of our time and living a centered and fulfilling life without looking at time outside of work, too – including the weekend.

Weekends can provide a terrific opportunity to replenish, relax, and – as Bill Watterson mentions in the opening quote – doing something completely pointless. Just as you might get to the end of a busy workday and wonder what you have to show for it, the same can happen when Sunday night rolls around. Without proactive and conscious attention, you might find yourself wondering, “Wait – I was looking forward to the weekend. Where did it go?”

Maybe you don’t want to be scheduled on the weekends, or maybe your kids’ sports activities set the schedule for you. No problem. Even a dab of purposeful attention can go a long way! Carry one of these daily practices into your weekend and see what happens:

1. Continue Your Morning Routine.

I still like to get up a bit early on the weekends for this purpose, but even if you sleep later, see if you can weave your purposeful routine into your morning. For ideas on creating a morning practice, click here.

2. Continue Your Daily Top 3.

Your top three priorities might look quite different on the weekend, but identifying them in advance increases your likelihood of honoring them. It’s also a great time to devote attention to some areas that might have been put on the back-burner during the week. For a quick tutorial on the Daily Top 3, click here.

3. Continue Your Success Journal.

Since this practice can take less than a minute, even the busiest of weekends can allow for it! Before you go to bed, jot down one quick win you experienced that day. It might be “Spent one-on-one time with son” or “Read for fun in the hammock” or “Reconnected with college friend over coffee” – you get to define success. Keep building that track record!

One of the biggest factors to feeling purposeful with your time is intention – giving advance thought to your actions rather than letting external circumstances make decisions for you. Any one of these strategies (or one of your own making) can help you focus on what matters most and provide a sense of self-honoring.

Then, on Sunday night, relax on your deck with a cool glass of lemonade and the sense of fulfillment that comes with living with meaning and purpose!

Share your thoughts with me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!


Dr. Christi Hegstad coaches you to live, work, and lead with meaning and purpose! 

A certified and award-winning coach, author, and speaker, Christi is a recognized leadership and professional development expert. She has received such honors as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, Forbes Coaches Council, and is current president of ICF Iowa. She is a frequently sought-after speaker and writer, contributing to Forbes, The Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, ICF, and more. 

Connect with Christi on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or by email.

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