Even the most high-achieving among us can have issues with confidence.
If you feel yours faltering from time to time – or even regularly – you don’t need to wait, wish, and hope for things to turn around.
Here are three confidence boosters you can implement immediately:
1. Document a daily win.
Once a day, for three weeks, jot down a win you experienced that day. Maybe you spoke up in a meeting, pushed ‘publish’ on your blog, or hired your first coach. Make note in a journal or on your phone.
After three weeks, you’ll have quite a collection of wins to review when you need a boost! Read this for more ideas on what I call a Success Journal.
2. Stand, sit, and walk tall.
When someone starts talking about the importance of posture, do you immediately straighten your shoulders and sit up taller? Practice this on a regular basis, maybe even putting periodic reminders in your phone.
Amy Cuddy has some intriguing research around this topic – check out her TED Talk for more.
3. Honor a commitment you make *to yourself.*
If you commit to walking for 15 minutes, or making a particular phone call, or waking up by 7am, do it. This builds self-integrity while also providing a sense of achievement.
Note I said *a commitment* – as in singular. Don’t list 18 or 12 or even 4 things you’ll do; pick one, a simple one, and follow through. You can always build from there.
Which one of these confidence boosters will you implement? Which one might help your colleague, team member, or child? What tip would you add to this list?
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for weekly coaching tips, free resources, book recommendations, and more!