Your To-Do List: Survival or Success?

Christi Hegstad September 15th, 2014

Clarity Kickstart: September 15, 2014

Most to-do lists are actually just survival lists – getting you through your day and life, but not making each day a stepping-stone for the next so that you sequentially build a successful life. Instead of a to-do list, you need a success list – a list that is purposefully created around extraordinary results. 


~ Gary Keller 
Coaching Tip for the Week:

How many items are on your typical to-do list?

And how many of those tasks bring meaning and purpose to your work and life?

To-do lists are tools designed to support us, not drive us. But as expectations get higher and lists get longer, we can find ourselves constantly spinning our wheels in “survival mode” rather than the “growth mode” that helps us make our difference in the world.

At Spark, I will be teaching my streamlined system for purposeful daily action. You can start now by asking yourself two important questions:

What is my top priority goal for the year?

What am I doing today to move forward on that goal?

Keep Goethe’s wise statement in mind: Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. Make sure you do something daily that moves you closer to your highest potential.
Get your daily and weekly actions streamlined and purposeful at Spark! We are almost full – click here to join us!
What’s your best tip for a purposeful “success list”? Share your thoughts below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As a Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and the President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches executives and leaders to get unstuck – whether in your leadership ability, income level, or from spinning your wheels in the day-to-day – and flourish in meaningful work. 

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