Your Mid-Year Success Review: Include This Question!

Christi Hegstad June 18th, 2013

Every year around this time, I conduct a mid-year work/life review to see where I am compared to where I strive to be. Fortunately, my birthday falls in mid-June, so I have a built-in reminder!

After years of finding this Mid-Year Success Review so valuable, I’ve systematized the process and shared it with some of my clients. (I also shared one of the questions on my blog last week – click here to read the article.) It doesn’t require much time but the results can be amazing. 
One of those results: increased energy. It’s rejuvenating to step away from the day-to-day routine and focus on what matters most. 
But this increased energy also stems from one of the questions asked in the Mid-Year Success Review:
What drains you?
With pen and paper nearby, ask yourself this question and jot down whatever comes to mind. Truly, what drains you? What about your work, office environment, or roles depletes your energy? What part of your workday or week do you dread? Where do you feel your time is wasted rather than used to serve or contribute? 
In Coach Yourself to Success, author Talane Miedaner estimates that we have anywhere from 60 to 100 “tolerances” – pesky little annoyances – at any given time. Yours might include:
  • Chipped desktop
  • Stack of unfiled papers on the credenza
  • File drawer that sticks shut
  • Outdated computer that takes 15 minutes to boot up
  • Coworker that sees the downside of every situation
  • Long mandatory weekly meeting without a concise agenda
  • Clutter in any form

Of course, you can expand this list outside of your work environment, too. Energy drains – whether at home, work, or somewhere in between – affect all aspects of our lives.


So, make the list of what drains you, then start to eliminate those energy drains one by one. I’d suggest starting with some small and easy ones – fix the loose button, oil the file cabinet drawer. You’ll gain momentum, build energy reserves, and even enhance your confidence for the bigger ones – making the dreaded-but-necessary phone call or holding the difficult conversation, for example.


Some of my clients shoot for eliminating one energy drain per week; others need an immediate lift so they strive for one or two a day. How you proceed is up to you. But this will feed directly into another question included in the Mid-Year Success Review, which I’ll share – along with 7 more – in my free teleseminar next week (click here to request your invitation). Hope to “see” you on the call! 

What energy drains make your list? Share them below, on Facebook, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches business owners and leaders to get unstuck and reach Bold Goals with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. Learn more at and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.

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