If we don’t decide what is most important to us, the world will decide for us. – Molly Fletcher
Have you noticed it’s easier to say ‘no’ to something if you’ve already made a commitment for that same time?
That’s similar to what clear priorities do for us.
If we know the handful of things that matter most at this time, we can more easily say no to other lower-priority items.
This week, discern your current top priorities.
I intentionally use the word ‘current’ here, too. Priorities can and do change over time.
Look at the season of the year you’re in – as well as the season of life.
Decide what your top priorities are – your definite YES items. Write them on a notecard and keep it handy.
See if this helps you make decisions – with your time, energy, and resources – in favor of what matters most to you.
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for weekly coaching tips, free resources, book recommendations, and more!