Which Word Best Describes YOU?

Christi Hegstad June 13th, 2013

This week I celebrated my birthday. I always look forward to cards, cake, and what as a kid I used to call “Be Nice To Christi Day.” 😉

Since my birthday falls right in the middle of the year, it’s also an excellent time to look at where I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to be. Over the years, I’ve actually developed a set of questions for this reflective inquiry, and it’s fascinating to review and compare my responses as the years go by!

As I ponder who I want to be in the upcoming year, one of my questions is:

What key words do I want to describe me?

Whether or not you’re celebrating a birthday, I invite you to reflect on this question. What words would you love to describe you? Or, for perspective, what words would you love others to use when describing you?

Some that have come up for me and my clients include:

  • Positive
  • Inspirational
  • Overflowing with delight
  • Resourceful
  • Generous
  • Compassionate leader
  • Balanced
  • Kind
  • Strong

Take some time to brainstorm your words, choosing 3 or so that hold the most meaning in defining your upcoming year.

Then, ask how you need to be, act, and think starting today in order to live out those words. When you carry them out in your work and life, you’ll soon discover those are the words that best describe you – a simple way to start making your vision a reality!

What words would you include on your list? Share your answers below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter.

I’ll be sharing other questions from my birthday reflection in a free teleseminar later this month. Be sure you’re on our email list to receive an invitation to the call!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches business owners and leaders to get unstuck and reach Bold Goals with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. Learn more at www.meaning-and-purpose.com and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.

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