Imagine you’re celebrating your 90th birthday. Friends, family, colleagues, and others have gathered to toast you and the impact you’ve made in their lives.
What do you hope they will say?
Perhaps even more importantly, what do you most want to say about *yourself*?
I often walk my coaching clients through a visioning exercise that involves the above scenario. Jumping ahead several years can provide a level of perspective we don’t always access, as can pondering what we’d like others to say about our contribution.
When imagining their first 90 years of life, a few things people would often love to say:
* “I’ve enjoyed meaningful relationships.”
* “My bucket list is well underway.”
* “I’ve engaged my talents and passions.”
* “I’ve worked hard, had fun, and savored moments.”
* “I’ve made a positive difference.”
Others approach this from what they *don’t* want to say about their first 90 years, such as “I lived on autopilot” or “I spent most of it in a miserable job” or “I worried much of it away.”
Consider taking a quiet moment for yourself – perhaps at a coffee shop or while out on a walk – and giving this scenario some thought.
Be gentle with yourself, and remember – whether you are 20 or 60 or 100 years old, you can still grow, create, change, learn, and make a difference!
And be sure to come back tomorrow for a bonus question you can incorporate into this exercise!