About 10 years ago, I felt frazzled. I was dedicating time to my young children, new business, fairly new home, friends and family, and about 25 other important life areas. And of course, the perfectionist in me wanted to give 110% to each!
The result? Overwhelm, exhaustion, and feeling pulled in too many different directions. After an especially challenging week that involved illnesses, computer crashes, and a flooded basement, I resolved to change.
But rather than create a big list of goals and action steps, as I am often prone to do, I honed in on one word – a single word – that I wanted to define me at that time. Hence my annual theme was born!
My theme that first year was FOCUS. After deciding this was what I needed most, I then created that list of goals and action steps – but this time, they all fell under my designated theme. Every plan I made or goal I set was intended to enhance my sense of focus.
I can honestly say that was an incredibly life-changing experience – so much so that I have continued to set a theme every year since. Like a personal mission statement, a theme provides a guiding path, a thread that makes sure your actions and decisions are aligned and support your growth. And by consisting of one word, it’s also SIMPLE! (Which was a theme of mine a few years later!)
As we sit on the cusp of a beautiful new year, I encourage you to set a theme for 2013. To start, ask yourself this question:
Next December, when I look back over 2013, what word do I want to define my year?
From there, create a Breakthrough Map (aka, mind map) of various words and phrases that come to mind. Choose the one that speaks to you the most, taking care to ensure it’s energizing, uplifting, and affirming. From there, you can create your goals, projects, schedule, and so forth.
Need some examples to get started? Consider these:
- Focus
- Simplicity
- Growth
- Clarity
- Confidence
- Make A Difference
- Prosperity
- Connect
- Mindfulness
- Colorful
- Go For It!
- Sparkle
- Thrive
Place your theme prominently in several places: your planner, screen saver, car, journal, bathroom mirror. Use it in your conversations, passwords, and greeting cards. In other words, make your theme a consistent, delightful part of your life!
If you feel frazzled, overwhelmed, or just plain tired of the standard resolutions this time of year often brings, try a theme for 2013 instead. Feel free to share your theme below or on our Facebook page, too.
Happy New Year!