As I write this, my environment practically sings ‘autumn’: richly-colored leaves falling off the tree outside my window, vegetable stew cooking in the oven, gentle rains on the horizon. I adore the changing of the seasons (and good thing, too, since I am firmly in the midwest!).
Changing seasons in nature often prompt a different pace in life as well. You may feel fresh energy and ambition with the spring, for example, or more inwardly-focused in the winter.
Have you ever considered the changing seasons of your goals, too?
For instance, you may set a specific number of miles to run each week. You track your daily mileage and find yourself highly motivated as a result.
At another time, that exact same goal may feel restrictive, inauthentic, or even discouraging.
You might find greater satisfaction in a goal of ‘daily movement’ at that time. Or a goal of running several times per week without looking at the number of miles.
This is exactly what I experienced this summer, with this exact goal. What was so motivating early in the year was no longer working for me.
My goal had reached a different season.
We have several options when this occurs: Change our methods, alter our measures, even restructure the goal.
With it all, I encourage you to return to your ‘why.’
Why did you set the goal in the first place? What do you most want to gain?
In my running example above, my purpose for the goal revolved around health and strength – outcomes that could still be met as long as I kept moving.
Even if I stopped tracking mileage for a while.
I honored that season of my goal. And you know what? I am now back to tracking my miles, and it feels fantastic again.
My season – like nature’s seasons – was not permanent. And I’m so glad I didn’t think it was and abandon the goal completely.
As we approach year-end and goals may be on the mind more than ever, I encourage you to reflect on the season of your goal.
What do you find motivating right now?
What’s lighting you up?
How can you incorporate that into your year-end achievement?
Take note and adjust accordingly where you can.
Let’s finish the year strong, energized, and in a season of purposeful achievement!