Use This Tool For Clarity and Focus

Christi Hegstad May 15th, 2016
Recently while engaging in my morning routine, it dawned on me that we are approaching mid-year. Surely we all know this – the graduation announcements alone are a good clue! – but as I looked at the milestones I hope to reach by the middle of 2016, it really hit me: that’s mere weeks away. I’ve got some work to do between now and then!

Overall, I feel good about my goals, but one is really falling short. I knew it was time to make some decisions, so I conducted what I call a Success Stoplight. It’s a simple but profound activity that I’d like to share with you.

First, take any goal you’ve set and write it at the top of your page.

Then, ask yourself 3 questions:

1. What do I need to START doing in order to achieve this goal?

2. What unhelpful habits or actions do I need to STOP doing?

3. What strong practices do I want to make sure I CONTINUE doing to ensure my success?

Brainstorm and jot down whatever comes to mind. 

My list ended up quite long (read: overwhelming). Rather than unrealistically tell myself I could do it all, I thought honestly about what actions would make the greatest impact. I then chose just a few to implement, and made the commitment. I’ll share them with my coach for added accountability.

Not only do I now feel more in control and confident about achieving this goal, my energy and motivation have been re-invigorated, too.

Give this a try! You can write your lists out on paper or in your journal like I did, or subscribe to our newsletter to receive these types of tools in your in-box.

Select a meaningful goal, walk through the three questions, then choose just a few actions to implement. You’ll be more focused, clear, and confident as a result. Be sure to let me know how it goes!

What’s one of your stop/start/continue actions? Share your thoughts on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!


Dr. Christi Hegstad is a certified and award-winning coach, author, and speaker. 

A recognized leadership and professional development expert, Christi helps people live, work, and lead with meaning and purpose. She has received such honors as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, Forbes Coaches Council, and is current president of ICF Iowa. She is a frequently sought-after speaker and writes regularly for Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, ICF, and more. 

Connect with Christi social media (see above) or by email

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