This Is None Of Your Business

Christi Hegstad August 12th, 2013

CLARITY KICKSTART: August 12, 2013

“What other people say about me is none of my business.”

~ Michael J. Fox

Coaching Tip For The Week:

How often do you do – or not do – something because of what people might say?

With the internet, we all live rather transparently. If you do or say something out of place, you might find it circling on Facebook, Twitter, and a hundred other outlets.

Yet if you hold back your truth out of fear of what others might think, are you honoring yourself? Are you living and working authentically?

This week, choose to live your truth. This does not mean speaking hurtfully or disrespectfully, of course. But don’t censor yourself out of fear of what “they” will think. 

As Michael J. Fox reminds us, it’s none of our business anyway.

How do YOU handle the naysayers? Share your tips below, on Facebook, or via Twitter.

In less than 2 months, our room will be filled with heart-centered professional women ready to live their truth! Click here to join us for Spark!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches professionals to get unstuck and reach Bold Goals with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. Learn more at and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.


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