The Path To Becoming A Champion

Christi Hegstad March 21st, 2016

“‘What counts…is not the results,’ said Tino… ‘It is the enjoyment of every step in the process of doing; everything, not only the isolated piece we label art.'”

Sue Bender

Coaching Tip for the Week:

We all know what I’m about to share in this week’s Clarity Kickstart. But I benefit every time I get the reminder, and I am hoping you do, too.

Life is not about the end result. It’s not about the achievement of the goal, the completion of the race, the outcome, the promotion, the award, the destination.

Achievement is important. But it’s the icing on the cake.

What matters is the journey. How you transform. Who you become. What you learn. Who you help along the way.

This week, celebrate where you areMaybe you’re moving more slowly than you’d like. What’s positive about right where you are?

Maybe you feel challenged, like you keep running up against a brick wall. What have you learned?

Maybe things aren’t the way you thought they’d be at this point. What have you experienced that you would have otherwise missed out on?

Whether in work, leadership, or life, the “if…then” approach to success and happiness never works. Like the saying goes, champions are not made in games – they are made on the practice field.

Savor your practice field this week! You’re right where you need to be.

Share your thoughts on FacebookTwitter, and now Instagram!

I am Dr. Christi Hegstad, and I coach people to work, live, and lead with meaning and purpose. Ready to join the movement?

I am a certified executive & leadership coach, author, speaker, and president of MAP Professional Development Inc. I’ve been honored as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, and president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa).

On the personal side, I am a book addict, coffee lover, and mom to three amazing kids. I am passionate about growth and believe kindness is a game-changer. I am a recovering perfectionist and am learning to lean into my vulnerability more and more.

I love working with meaningful achievers who want to make a positive difference in their work, lives, communities, and world. Join our mailing list, connect on Facebook (/MAPIncFan) Twitter (@DrChristiCoach) and Instagram (DrChristiHegstad), or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!


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